# Hi, I'm Karan *Mario Jude* Pinto. Welcome to my corner of the internet. Yes, Mario Jude is my real middle name. I am on a never-ending pursuit to transcend myself to new frontiers, push the boundaries of disciplines & contribute to building the future. I am a voracious reader, an unapologetic curious cat, an acute observer & an open minded individual with incredibly diverse interests spanning from technology & finance to art & dance, from adventure sport & movement to film & entrepreneurship. This second brain is my perpetual pursuit to learn, grow & become more. Learn more [[About me]], [[Who I am]], [[My Publications]] and [[Speaker Profile]] ## My Second Brain Here you can find **my second brain** - a public space where I continuously collect, synthesise, connect, cultivate & create in my "[[Digital Gardens]]". A space where: - I collate my un-filtered pure thoughts, learnings & understandings. - I just write & output to gain clarity, discover guiding principles & uncover ideas.  - I channel my expression on matters I care & am passionate about.​ This is a long-term journey through which I continuously evolve my personal knowledge over the next decades. Please note that this is a curated selection that is published for the common good and knowledge sharing only. ## Why this site exists - It became *challenging to manage my mind better* w/ conventional note tools as they fell short when it came to the: - seamless, unstructured capture of one's thoughts, - connecting of uncorrelated knowledge dots & emergence of ideas, - compounding of my long term intelligence - To *continuously share my exploits* with the world *& include wider context*(which is a big missing piece of the puzzle), I felt the scratching urge for a channel / medium that: - helped me understand the realms of my [[Circles of Competence]], in terms of differentiating between what I know & don't know ([[Metacognition]]) - minimised friction / efficiently enabled the **"thought to capture to share to compounding"** flow in a fuss free way - **sync my internal sense-making w/ my external sharing** for reference, for conversations, for journey enhancement ([[Order for Chaos]] ) Ref: [[Notes & Networked Thought]] | [[Fluid Thinking]] ## Basic Terminologies Throughout my second brain, I use some abbreviations that are concepts to make room for thought and facilitate the development of my [[Digital Gardens]]. Below are are some key ones to know: - [[Maps of Content (MOCs)]] help organize and keep track of the [[Digital Gardens]]. - [[Block of Atomic Thought - BOATS]] that are very early child notes. # Explore my mind Here are some good rabbit holes you could go down, originating through thoughts turning into atomic notes and those evolving into networked ideas, concepts & principles. - [[Short Essays]] | [[Deep Dives]] - [[Concepts MOC]] | [[First Principles and Mental Models MoC]] - [[Collected Advice]] - [[Quantum Tech MOC]] Ref: [[Home Map]] --- Connect w/ me [here]([https://bit.ly/karanpinto-links](https://bit.ly/karanpinto-links)) | [Medium](https://bit.ly/karanmjpintomedium) | [Twitter](https://bit.ly/karanmjpintotwitter) | [Dance](http://bit.ly/karanpinto-dance) | [LinkedIn](http://bit.ly/karanpinto-linkedin) Visitors, please read: [[Terms of Service]]