Analogies make arguments and trigger emotions. They make it hard to make rational decisions.
> Analogies give people a map but don't explain the territory
Analogies evoke a frame, that helps you control the narrative of the story. Eg. Don't think of an elephant
“A good analogy serves as an intellectual springboard that helps us jump to conclusions,” Pollack
## Examples
- Chicago Slaugther house --> Henry Ford's Assembly Line
- Domino Theory --> American's going into the Vietnam War
- Bicycle for the Mind --> Steve Jobs Macintosh
"You never know who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.” - Warren Buffet
#### 5 essential criteria
1. Use the highly familiar to explain something less familiar.
2. Highlight similarities and obscure differences.
3. Identify useful abstractions.
4. Tell a coherent story.
5. Resonate emotionally.
[[Quantum Orchestra]]